Research Endeavors of CAZ-RAD Group

The CAZ-RAD group consists of three laboratories - East Lab: radiation detection, electronics, and technology development; West Lab: radiation and irradiated sample testing within the University of Utah Reactor lab space; and the Computational 'Lab': which performs simulations and modeling. East and West Labs are capable of using radioactive materials, with the West Lab able to handle irradiated/activated materials. Facility support includes the UU Nanofab Labs and the UU TRIGA Reactor (UUTR). Additionally, plans are in place to build a neutron source irradiation facility. The East Lab is equipped with high quality oscilloscopes, detector material storage, power supplies, ADCs, signal analysis software packages, and SiPM systems. The West Lab is equipped with UUTR and radioactive source access, probe-station testing and sample analysis, and radiation counting facilities.
Pre-WWII Steel Shielding Cave in-place (Mar. 2022): This effort took ~3 years and much work by UU Moving/Facilities. It involves a ~10,000 lbs shielding cave moved into our research facility. This cave can provide very low background environments, ultimate shielding for ionizing radiation sources and emitters, and is a rare commodity. It is constructed of heavy pre-WWII U.S. battleship steel. In-terms of shielding, it is free of radioactive (post-weapon testing fallout) inclusions. Graduate student Jesse Snow led the final organization and placing of this structure.

Research Topics
Radiation Testing, Simulation, and Methodologies for Microelectronic and Semiconductor Rad Hardness and Effects
The significance of this work is to develop methodologies for radiation hardness testing of microelectronics, semiconductors, materials, mechanical and electrical devices, and systems. This methodology includes understanding of device physics, irradiation sources, operational environments, utilization of irradiation facilities, dosimetry, and simulations and modeling for various aspects of work. Our projects incorporate design of testing procedures, development of experimental setups including microelectronic measurements, and performing statistical analysis and utilizes multiple radiation sources on the University of Utah campus as well as other sources. Our group has successfully executed many projects under this umbrella, thus a broad and overarching summary of the work is presented above.
Cazalas group (with UU PI: Dr. Cazalas) has been awarded over $800k and growing (to University of Utah) via DoD and DOE sponsors along with InnoSys Inc. as industry partner, over many productive years.
Primary Researcher(s): Many graduate and undergraduate students have been trained and have worked on these projects through the years.
We continue to investigate this area with active, in-review, and soon-to-be awarded grants.
Quantum Dot, Materials, and Devices Response/Effects Under Irradiation
Here, we explore the potential modifications and measurable effects and signals from the irradiation of Quantum Dot (QD) and related 2-D and quantum materials and devices (transistors). This work is highly related to the new efforts (e.g., Google, Microsoft, etc.) to develop quantum computing. Background radiation affect these devices and directed energy weapons may be the new weapon of choice should these types of devices be deployed in space. We explore radiation effects onto these materials as well as how to measure these rad effects and provide dosimetric comparisons across different radiation types. This research is future focused with many potential projects stemming from this initial effort.
Primary Researcher(s): Jesse Snow (Ph.D. Dissertation Effort).
Upgrade of UU TRIGA Reactor Cooling System
Upgrade of UU TRIGA Reactor Cooling System

The University of Utah's TRIGA Reactor has been awarded a ~$400K grant (led by Dr. Cazalas) to upgrade its cooling system from passive to active flow to allow for 1 MW of cooling (coupled via tertiary loop to ultimate heatsink). This upgrade, made possible by the DOE-NEUP Grant, will be carried out by UU OPP and designated subcontractors, under reporting supervision of Dr. Cazalas. Construction has started and is aimed to be completed by Dec. 2021.
With this upgrade, reactor run time can be extended to accommodate teaching and research load. Importantly, the upgrade allows for the future uprate in power of the reactor to a maximum of 1 MW. This uprate would provide substantial support toward isotope production, materials irradiation, neutron imaging, forensics studies, and detector testing. Importantly, the upgrade will link into the previous upgrade of the reactor control console for monitoring of water temperature and flow.
This project has been successfully completed.
Neutron Spectrometer and Imager

The objective of this proposed project is to develop a radiation detector that is capable of neutron and gamma-ray spectroscopy and imaging. The detection system will be capable of discriminating between gamma and neutron interactions via pulse shape discrimination in mixed gamma-ray/neutron fields. The system would provide these capabilities and would be expected to add substantial impact in source energy and particle type measurement as well as advancing the field of nuclear science and radiation detection. We expect that customers of this system would include those anticipating characterization and feedback of reactor beam-lines, accelerators, and neutron generators. The system is designed for scientific, national security, and dosimetry applications.
Primary Researcher(s): Teancum Quist, Ph.D. Student (graduated).
Project is on-going.
Development of a Neutron Irradiation Facility

Codey Olson (at saw) and Will Bates (safety overwatch) cutting borated-poly for the neutron shield.

Neutron (left) and gamma-ray (right) exit port particle streaming simulation
The objective of this successful project is to develop a neutron irradiation facility within the TRIGA Research Reactor area at the University of Utah. The facility utilizes an existing PuBe neutron source. The facility has been designed for safe usage experiments with "beam-port" that maximizes fast neutron emission at a near perpendicular exit angle while minimizing in-beam gamma-rays. Beam-port fittings can be swapped in to tune the exiting neutrons to the energy of interest. The facility was designed with radiation safety/shielding in mind with a special simulation designed and experimentally tested shield enclosure.
This source came online in Summer 2021 and is now operational.
Primary Researcher(s): Codey Olson, Ph.D. Student (graduated). William Bates, M.S. Student (graduated).
This project has been successfully completed.
Flash Radiotherapy Dosimetry
The area of Flash Radiotherapy holds great promise for enhanced radiation-based treatment of cancerous tumors. We are working with UU-Radiation Oncology Medical Physics Department to develop a much needed tool to assess real-time dose during these short but very high dose rate therapies. The goal is to provide a measure of safety during these procedures as well as to measure delivered radiation dose to the patient. We plan to and are in the process of simulating, building, and testing a fast-timing, dE/dx dosimeter for this purpose. This novel instrument is planned to be characterized in the newly commissioned proton beam therapy facility on the UU-Health campus.
Primary Researchers(s): Codey Olson, Ph.D. (graduated), Geoff Nelson (UU Health).
Project is on-going.
Detector Development
We explore the continued implementation of new materials and technologies in the development of more advanced radiation detection architectures. This includes investigation of SiPMs, fiber optics, quantum dots, and graphene or other 2-D materials. This research examines potential detector designs for various applications including space-based, reactors, nuclear security and non-proliferation, and science.